Newsletter – November 2006


This month I am going to tell you about another two very valuable tools for your collection.

Japanese Ryoba Saw

This type of saw is a must. It operates by a pull stroke as opposed to a clumsy push stroke. Pulling the blade means that it never will flex on itself, so the blade can be much thinner than with a western type saw. Once adjusting to the new action, you will be amazed at how fine a cut and how well fitting your work will be. Working with teak, you will very quickly learn to make some beautiful items. Be careful not to go overboard though, or else your cabin may become festooned with teak woodwork!

Purchase the ryoba type, which has a ripper one side of the blade, and a cross cutter the other. Good sawing!

Jigsaw and Other Miscellaneous Useful Tools

A jigsaw is invaluable for rough cutting any shape from marine ply and other timbers. Once cut, it can be finished off with your ryoba saw. They can run off shore power when in a marina, or your inverter when at sea. Purchase a good quality hacksaw with a selection of blades. Select one with plastic handle and mirror stainless shaft. Try to find a steel brush with stainless steel bristles. Mild steel bristles fall out and rust wherever they lay – this is not good on fibre glass on the inside of your hull.

I purchased a Dremmel type tool, which I expected to be useful
Forgetting into tight corners. It is excellent for this, but in reality it was
not used a lot.

Get an electrical polisher with a good stock of lambs wool pads for when you polish your hull. You can buy polish anywhere, but not good lambs wool pads. Do not think your electric drill will double up as a polisher/buffer, because it won’t. It does not have the power for this heavy duty job, nor will it last the distance – it will reach burnout fairly quickly.

I kept my tools in a large canvas sports bag. This has the advantage of not marking or denting your woodwork like those solid plastic/metal boxes will.

Cheers for this month
Cap’n Vinnie